Tuesday, January 30, 2007



Living With Your Man Without Dying To Be Loved!

Why should women listen to me? I am a man. I know how men think. I know what causes men to devalue the lives of their women!

Every week, in The United States, two pregnant women die at the hands of their partners! Lacy Peterson and Latoya Figueroa are just the tip of the iceberg. These news stories and others have angered me, and I want to do something - anything to save the lives of women!

Murder is the leading cause of death for women who are pregnant. The following laws are general and vital principals for survival and, of course, these rules do have exceptions. No woman should die to be loved.

The following are laws for life:

1.) A man who pressures you into having an abortion does not value the precious life within you! He probably won’t value your life either.

2.) A man who has sex with you before marriage is more likely to treat you as a prostitute for his pleasure, and less likely to treat you as a princess to protect. Prostitutes are murdered far more often than princesses.

3.) A man who assassinates your character with verbal abuse, today, is far more likely to kill you tomorrow.

4.) A man who is active in his church, each Sunday, is far less likely to kill you on Monday.

© by Chris Hansen
Author, Sunday school teacher



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