Military Moments~A Wife's Perspective
Military Moments~A Wife's Perspective
Written by a member of Angels That Care
Speak up right now and let's stop the abuse Don't take the stand of "oh what's the use" Together we can make a difference Written by Debi Fisher 2006
Military Moments~A Wife's Perspective
Written by a member of Angels That Care
Posted by
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Labels: child abuse
MySpace Videos: Frail 'Final Version' by Linda♥
My name is Linda Arellano. I was searching through blogs looking for people who are interested in talking about domestic violence and I came across yours. I made a music video/short film at Cal State University Northridge this semester. It's about a young couple and their daughter. The mother suffers domestic abuse from her husband and their daughter is witness to these attacks.
Here is the link to the video:
I would greatly appreciate some feedback or some mention of the video on your blog.
Just a little bit about myself:
I have friends and family who have been and are still in abusive relationships. The reason I made this video is because the subject is very close to my heart and I wanted a way to put this subject on people's minds. Many of us either choose to ignore it or think it's a lost cause but that's not the case. As I saw on your blog, there are many people out there ready and willing to help.Talking about it, sharing and relaying resources are all part of the change we can make.
Posted by
Friday, May 25, 2007