Saturday, December 02, 2006

One Night As I Lay Cold in my Bed

One night as I lay cold in my bed,

I was fill with all my fears,

I turned and said a prayer to Mary.

As I always did when I felt my tears

"Please help me, Mother Mary,

For I don't know what to do.

So I'm telling you about my sadness,

And I'm handing them all to you."

Then as I lay there in my bed

I saw in my mind without fear

Our Lady?s Most Divine love,

As She looked at me from Heaven above

She looked at me with sadness in Her eyes

As she reached her hand to my Heart,

I handed her my sadness,

And She took them to her Sacred Heart,

I felt the sadness leave me,

As She held me close to Her Heart

I looked at Her in wonder

As She smiled at me with love

Then my Heavenly Mother Mary

Opened wide her mantle blue,

She wrapped it all around me,

For protection, so true,

And though no words were spoken,

I could see into Mary?s Divine eyes,

From then on and after I knew,

That Mary hold me in Her Heart

Copright@2006 Ann Thompson

Friday, December 01, 2006

\\National Domestic Violence Hotline/Linea Nacional Sobre La Violencia Domestica: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TTY For The Deaf/TTY para los Sordos: 1-800-787-3224

Safety Alert for Battered Women: Computer use can be monitored and it is impossible to completely clear information viewed on the Internet from your computer. If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call your local hotline, and/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

If you are in danger call 911 or:
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1- 800 799 SAFE or:

The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: 800 656 HOPE
International Resources for Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
What is Battering?
Am I abused?
Abused as a Child
Emotional and Sexual Abuse
Safety Plan
Healthy vs. abusive relationships
Husband says it's not abuse
Husband wants sex all the time
Husband wants second chance
Stop the Victim Syndrome!
Woman Abuse Screening Tool
Abusive Husband wants help
Are you a Contoller or an Abuser?
How do I stop abusing my wife?
Testimony from a Former Abuser
Divorce & separation
National Domestic Violence :
1-800-799-7233 (safe)
International DV directory
Sarah's Inn (Oak Park, Illinois) 1-708-386-4225
(24 hour hotline)
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Illinois state crisis line: 1-800-252-6561

Monday, November 27, 2006

So many things to be thankful for

So many things to be thankful for

Before I walk out the door

Many, Many times I wondered how

Life could be so depressing

Then a child is born

And makes everything so clear

For it is for her I have sworn

To turn life around and have no more fear

So many things to be thankful for

Before I walk out the door

But this day

I will be thankful for her more

(c) Stephanie M. Bass

The Luminous Glow

The luminous glow
Of the beautiful sun
Over the water below
Now it has begun

The water is so reflective
Like a mirror
from your perspective
Only sometimes being clearer

The sun is so bright
So big on the horizon
Taking all the fright
And throwing it out one by one

The luminous glow
Of the beautiful sun
Over the water below
Oh, how it can never be outdone

(c) Stephanie M. Bass

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