\\National Domestic Violence Hotline/Linea Nacional Sobre La Violencia Domestica: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TTY For The Deaf/TTY para los Sordos: 1-800-787-3224
Safety Alert for Battered Women: Computer use can be monitored and it is impossible to completely clear information viewed on the Internet from your computer. If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call your local hotline, and/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
If you are in danger call 911 or:
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1- 800 799 SAFE or:
The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: 800 656 HOPE
International Resources for Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
What is Battering?
Am I abused?
Abused as a Child
Emotional and Sexual Abuse
Safety Plan
Healthy vs. abusive relationships
Husband says it's not abuse
Husband wants sex all the time
Husband wants second chance
Stop the Victim Syndrome!
Woman Abuse Screening Tool
Abusive Husband wants help
Are you a Contoller or an Abuser?
How do I stop abusing my wife?
Testimony from a Former Abuser
Divorce & separation
National Domestic Violence :
1-800-799-7233 (safe)
International DV directory
Sarah's Inn (Oak Park, Illinois) 1-708-386-4225
(24 hour hotline)
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Illinois state crisis line: 1-800-252-6561
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