Sunday, December 24, 2006

Porn victims getting younger

Porn victims getting younger
By ERIC HARTLEY, Staff Writer

2 county men plead guilty in cases involving toddlers

In the past two weeks, two men - one from Crofton, one from Arnold - have admitted in court to using the Internet to trade pictures of infants or toddlers engaged in sex acts.
The convictions reflect a disturbing trend of very young children being victimized, an expert said.

"It just kind of gets younger and younger," said Jennifer Lee of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "A lot of people think of child pornography as either adults that dress to look like children or they think of the 16-, 17-year-olds. But in reality, that's not the case."
Ms. Lee said she's seen a change just in her five years with the center's

Exploited Child Unit.

On Friday, Kent Martin Rose, 37, of Crofton pleaded guilty to distribution of child pornography and three counts of possession of illegal images.

On Dec. 15, 51-year-old Robert John Tunnicliff of Arnold pleaded guilty to three counts, one for distributing obscene material involving minors and two for possessing child pornography.

Both men will be sentenced Jan. 18 and face a maximum of 10 years in prison on the top counts, though state guidelines will be lower.

State police investigated the two men, who both were members of America Online, after getting "Cyber Tips" from the missing children's center.

Congress passed a law in 1996 requiring Internet service providers to report child pornography to the missing children's center, which tracks known victims and reports cases to police.

During Friday's court hearing, Assistant State's Attorney Michael Dunty said Rose downloaded or sent out pictures of underage girls, including one of an infant having sex with a man and pictures of children and animals together.

When police raided his home, Rose told them he collects adult pornography, but might have accidentally forwarded some pictures of children.

But Mr. Dunty said experts who searched his hard drives found hundreds of illegal pictures and scores of movie clips of children, along with an "eraser" program that can wipe evidence of images from a hard drive.

Rose, who has worked as a graphic artist, also "morphed" pictures, putting an underage relative's picture on sexually explicit pictures of adults and his wife's face on bondage scenes, Mr. Dunty said.

Tunnicliff had more than 1,000 illegal images on his computers, along with 78 videos, state police said. At least one video and three pictures were of children who appeared to be younger than 5.

Police said he admitted the pictures and videos were his and told them his AOL, Yahoo and Hotmail screen names.

Ms. Lee said the Internet has made the trade of such images far easier.

"Before the Internet, these guys would have to order magazines from Amsterdam or some place and wait three weeks," she said. "There's a high risk because these magazines come straight to their house. Now we have the Internet - there's perceived anonymity."

Anyone who wants to report suspected child pornography can visit Ms. Lee said the Exploited Child Unit averages 1,800 to 2,000 reports a week.

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Published December 24, 2006, The Capital, Annapolis, Md.
Copyright © 2006 The Capital, Annapolis, Md.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Missing and Exploited Children Newsletter from

Here's the latest article from the Missing and Exploited Children site at

Designer Thrills - Teen Prostitution Among Middle and Upper Class
Designer sex is the term given to teen prostitution or teen prostitutes
that have sex for thrills or the money to buy designer items they want but
not necessarily anything they need to survive.

Please visit for even more great
content about Missing and Exploited Children. To participate in free, fun
online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Missing and
Exploited Children located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response
to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Victims of Child Welfare Memorial Day

Government agencies, Social workers, judges they all make decisions on what is in the BEST interest of Children ... decisions which often determine their destiny.
Sadly, when the wrong decisions are made - Children are murdered!
They are beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted and murdered.

Who is responsible ?
The One making the decisions!
WE are asking for justice ... for Help!

Help never came for Angellika Nicole Arndt , Isaac Lethbridge,Daniel Jack Matthews, Ricky Holland, Christopher Michael, Sirita Sotelo, Nicholas Contreras, Sarah Angelina Chavez, Martin Lee Anderson,Ebony Smith,Kayla Allen,Candice Raynor...... and sadly many, many more but perhaps one day justice will come for them all. For these children, it's too late to turn back the hands of time. May the spirits of those lost rest in peace and may we never forget or ignore what happened to them.

In The Name of Those Children
We are asking For:
-Victims of Child Welfare Memorial Day-
to remember those who have died as a result of Child Welfare in their lives. -

Take Action Send Citizen Request To: The White House

"When will justice come? When those who are not injured become as indignant as those who are." -Leon Tolstoy

Please spread the word and forward this email to your friends and family members.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

What you don't know about the most violent Pedophiles

There are no laws that exist today to arrest and convict the most dangerous CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS and our children are at grave risk. More importantly there are NO new Bills we have found that will correct this problem. The reasons can be found after first understanding about the levels of CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS;

1. The first CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR level places the least amount of damage to their victim children. These criminals are less violent though still may cause long term effects. Typically their crimes are less traumatic on children and can be classified as inappropriate touching and alike. These are the bus drivers and school teachers we most often hear about. More often this CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR causes less trauma on the child making it much easier to disclose information to caring family members and school authorities. These are the ones we catch today. Laws in place seem to do fairly well here, though there is still room for improvement.

2. Second are the violent CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS, the most vicious, who cause life long damage to children well into their very late adulthood. These are the CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS capable of causing accidental or intentional death to a child. More often we only hear about these when investigating a child's death. The effects on the child are so traumatic that parts of the mind shuts itself down almost permanently. Yes, well deep into adulthood. These victims are unable to come forward until 30 + years following the abuse leaving the criminal so much time to harm so many more children. The effects of these violent child rapists includes;

a. Missing children under the age of 13 who have been missing for over 3 months statistically have died at the hands of these predators. A story from CBS

b. Those victims who have committed suicide as a result of their inability to deal with the trauma of this abuse. Reducing Suicides.

c. Victims who lead lives of complete chaos, living their lives never enjoying a happy and stable life. For these it is if waking up in their 40's, 50's and 60's and realizing their tormented life. This victim now has to deal with a completely missed life from the day of the abuses, i.e. age 8 through their late adulthood. This is now another horribly traumatic experience to deal with most could not imagine. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse

d. Many victims lived their lives in lawlessness constantly committing crimes and not knowing why. Much later in life they realize their trauma, at which time all is lost for them and it is society who has paid the price. Criminal behaviors and victims of abuse.

e. Eighteen percent, 18%, of those abused will identify with their abusers and become CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS themselves. (Each one made this decision to harm children and should be held accountable) Understanding pedophilia.

Today's population confuses these two groups by placing them all into a single one and because of this we tend to lose sight of the most violent. The fact is, violent child rapists are the worst offenders. These offenders severely traumatized children resulting in not only chaos to the victims but to society as well. They are on a constant quest to victimize children and this is never ending , it is a life long obsession. Some psychotherapists indicate that even though these CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS seem to care for children, in reality many emotionally "HATE" children and steal lives. We can now imagine just how cruel their torture can be.

Understanding the severity of a traumatized victim will help you realize there is almost no protection for our children. If a law passed today completely removing the Statutes of Limitations and an 8 year old child is raped the next day, it is unlikely the child will come forward before their mid 30's and more often into their 50's. The impact of the trauma caused by the CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR will alter the child's brain development to the point where realism begins to vanish and chaos sets in. This is a real effect as described in How Childhood Trauma Influences Brain Development. Unlike other trauma induced events, this one lasts for a period of time before it is over. As if this weren't enough, this child is then invoked with another trauma by being threatened from telling anyone. Many times, threats not only include consequences of injury and death to the child, but their parents and siblings too. This child now has to carry this secret alone and go through life as if nothing was wrong. Many young children, i.e. 8, 9 and 10 years old, become some of the greatest actors and actresses in an attempt to protect their families. The lifelong effects lead to a disruptive life, lost childhood and an adulthood of complete chaos.

Meanwhile these violent child rapists have 20 to 30 years of raping more children without worry of being caught. Most rapists know the more violent they are with the victim, the longer it takes into adulthood before they come forward. These are the most damaging criminals to society, yet are protected the most by our laws. These rapists average 80 victims.

Even more about the rapists: Most professionals are just realizing today that somehow these child rapists find each other. The longer they are free, the more expert they become. No matter how old the child rapists, they network with one another identifying opportunities. Catching one now means catching others.
The belief that today's technology with capabilities of DNA databases to collect information will solve this problem and help prove crimes is remarkably inaccurate. Keeping in mind the child raped was also traumatized and most likely will not come forward until 20 or 30+ years into the future, would mean the child would have to collect evidence and hold it for so many years. This is most ridiculous, so we now have a DNA database with nothing to compare DNA to. DNA databases are good, however their effects on convicting the most vicious CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR becomes quite unrealistic.

Thousands of these most violent serial child rapists can be identified and their crimes proven, but unfortunately, laws protect them. Let's not wait 20 or 30 years to arrest and convict. We need to move now before these child rapists propagate further. Remember, 18% of their victims will identify with them, thus becoming abusers too; that is 14 new CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS for each one and this multiplies quickly. Imagine arresting and convicting these criminals? Today they have no fear.

This is what needs to be done

A bill "Terrorism on Society and Children" must be written and passed as law stating the following;

1. The crime of raping children is the most horrendous crime ever imaginable. It's life long effects on the victim make it nearly impossible to convict the most serious offenders. This crime is in a category by itself and has NEVER had any statutes of limitations defined and NEVER will. Not only do victims pay, society does too.

2. Those organizations and individuals that have shown to cover-up and protect the exposure of this crime are legally responsible for their acts.
This law enables our justice system to arrest the many 1000's of violent child molesters we know of and have proof of their crimes. Arresting them means we get information on others too. No statutes.

Note: Today's laws are ineffective against the most violent CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS and all other changes in the law can only cause change 20 to 30 years later. Only by effecting a law as described here can we start change now. Don't the families of the missing deserve this? What about victims? More importantly what about protecting our kids today. Remember, we can tell our children to tell us everything but if they don't come home they can tell us nothing.

These violent CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS work hard at figuring the right moment to attack a child. This is their #1 goal in life. We all pay and the CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS are free.

Proving the crime
Passing a bill as stated above now means we would enable our juries to hear these cases that would have otherwise been disregarded due to SOL. Also keep in mind that these criminals average 80 victims. A case where only one victim is known, without witnesses, most likely will not make it to court. Those criminals with multiple victims, serial child rapists, stand the risk of prosecution. Proving the most violent crimes becomes an easier task.

Who wins? Our children today. These violent serial rapists will now talk about other rapists as they are caught. Just maybe some of the families whose children are missing will finally get resolution. Victims whose lives have been lost will finally find justice.

Remember, the children did nothing to deserve what happened. Why should anyone want to protect violent serial child rapists? There exists no logic whatsoever to counter an argument against changing the laws as defined.

We can tell our children to tell us everything, but if they never come home they can tell us nothing.

In God We Trust
Protect our children now

please visit

December 16, 2006 at 08:47:15

What you don't know about the most violent Pedophiles

Friday, December 08, 2006

Online-child-protection law proposed

Online-child-protection law proposed
There is logic to this legislation, announced by Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Charles Schumer (D-NY) yesterday (12/6). Among other measures that strengthen anti-child-exploitation law, it requires sex offenders to register their online contact info too - "their email addresses, as well as their instant messaging and chat room handles and any other online identifiers they use," says Senator McCain's press release about the Stop the Online Exploitation of Our Children Act. The law would also require social-networking sites as well as ISPs to report child pornography, and would more clearly define what should be reported, create stiffer penalties, make failure-to-report a crime, increase recommended sentences for sex offenders, and require Net companies to preserve data 180 days in case it's needed as evidence. If the bill passes, MySpace will be able to include the required online identifiers in the national sex-offender database it's building (see this 12/5 item), and sites that use the database (which I imagine MySpace will make available to them) will be able to check it for the email addresses and screennames people use to establish accounts - another tool for keeping pedophiles off social sites. The two senators said they will introduce the bill at the beginning of the 110th Congress in January.

Online Safety Project

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Info on bullies

Children that are bullies at school are more likely to have witnessed violence at home compared to children that did not see this aggressive behavior. Researchers from the University of Washington and Indiana University have completed one of the first of its kind study in the United States that examined the relationship of violent parents and the effects of the child becoming a bully at school.

The researchers also were able to group two different kinds of bullying. One kind of bullying is called physical aggression which includes hitting, pushing and any other outward expression of hostility. The second type of bullying is called relational aggression which includes teasing, being mean, and ostracizing peers.

Researchers collected data from an ongoing Seattle Social Development Project and the Intergenerational Projects. There were a total of 112 children from ages 6 to 13 years of age that the researchers studied for bullying.

There were 34 percent of the children in this group that had bullied another child, while 73 percent of the children said they were a victim to a bully in that last year. Out of the bully group, almost all of them, 97 percent, said they also were victims of a bully.

“Children learn from seeing what their primary caregivers do. They are very attuned and very observant about what goes on in a household,” said Dr. Nerissa Bauer, lead author of the study and a former UW pediatrician who is now an assistant professor of pediatrics at Indian and Riley Children’s Hospital.

“Parents are very powerful role models and children will mimic the behavior of parents, wanting to be like them. They may believe violence is OK and they can use it with peers. After all, they may think, ‘If Daddy can do this, perhaps I can hit this kid to get my way.’ When parents engage in violence, children may assume violence is the right way to do things,” she said.

“This study supports the idea that parental violence can lead to violence between children and their peers,” added Todd Herrenkohl, a UW associate professor of social work and co-author of the paper published in the current issue of the journal Pediatrics. “Children develop a mindset when they see how parents deal with problems. It is a script based on early observations in the home.”

This study also looked at causes for a child to bully. They believe that there is a correlation of domestic violence that causes children to bully at school. According to a federal study conducted in 2000, there are roughly 3.3 – 10 million children that have witnessed domestic violence at home on an annual basis.

These researchers concluded that girls were at a higher rate of bullying than boys. They accounted for 61 percent of the reported acts of aggression. Girls are also more likely to be the victims of a bully. Girls reported that they were bullied in 55 percent of the cases reported. Children that are witness to domestic violence are at risk for developing early childhood depression, sadness, and may become withdrawn. The researchers note that relational bullying; (name calling) is not related to domestic violence at home.

“Physicians and teachers should be sensitive that when children display behavior issues that the possibility of domestic violence in the family exists. Not all children exposed to violence will respond in the same way, but there are many indirect effects and problems that you can see, such as engaging in bullying, not being able to make friends, not eating or those with extended school absences. But not all bullies come from violent families,” Bauer said.

“We know that bullying leads to further antisocial behavior and this study shows how family violence leads to bullying. When intimate partner violence happens we can work with parents to show them how it can impact their children,” Herrenkohl said. “A key is early identification of this kind of problem, but it is never too late to intervene to break the cycle of violence.”

» by Nicole Wilson

Monday, December 04, 2006

White Ribbon Campaign Launches Blog

Friday, December 01, 2006
Question of the Week – Dec 1
On November 25th 1999, the United Nations officially declared the first International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. While this brought much needed international attention to the cause, it’s important to remember that many organizations, especially women’s organizations have already been working courageously to end this issue for decades.

Do you think societal attitudes towards violence against women have changed enough over the past couple of decades ? Are we making real progress towards eliminating violence against women? What attitudes still need to be changed/overcome?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

One Night As I Lay Cold in my Bed

One night as I lay cold in my bed,

I was fill with all my fears,

I turned and said a prayer to Mary.

As I always did when I felt my tears

"Please help me, Mother Mary,

For I don't know what to do.

So I'm telling you about my sadness,

And I'm handing them all to you."

Then as I lay there in my bed

I saw in my mind without fear

Our Lady?s Most Divine love,

As She looked at me from Heaven above

She looked at me with sadness in Her eyes

As she reached her hand to my Heart,

I handed her my sadness,

And She took them to her Sacred Heart,

I felt the sadness leave me,

As She held me close to Her Heart

I looked at Her in wonder

As She smiled at me with love

Then my Heavenly Mother Mary

Opened wide her mantle blue,

She wrapped it all around me,

For protection, so true,

And though no words were spoken,

I could see into Mary?s Divine eyes,

From then on and after I knew,

That Mary hold me in Her Heart

Copright@2006 Ann Thompson

Friday, December 01, 2006

\\National Domestic Violence Hotline/Linea Nacional Sobre La Violencia Domestica: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TTY For The Deaf/TTY para los Sordos: 1-800-787-3224

Safety Alert for Battered Women: Computer use can be monitored and it is impossible to completely clear information viewed on the Internet from your computer. If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call your local hotline, and/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

If you are in danger call 911 or:
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1- 800 799 SAFE or:

The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: 800 656 HOPE
International Resources for Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
What is Battering?
Am I abused?
Abused as a Child
Emotional and Sexual Abuse
Safety Plan
Healthy vs. abusive relationships
Husband says it's not abuse
Husband wants sex all the time
Husband wants second chance
Stop the Victim Syndrome!
Woman Abuse Screening Tool
Abusive Husband wants help
Are you a Contoller or an Abuser?
How do I stop abusing my wife?
Testimony from a Former Abuser
Divorce & separation
National Domestic Violence :
1-800-799-7233 (safe)
International DV directory
Sarah's Inn (Oak Park, Illinois) 1-708-386-4225
(24 hour hotline)
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Illinois state crisis line: 1-800-252-6561

Monday, November 27, 2006

So many things to be thankful for

So many things to be thankful for

Before I walk out the door

Many, Many times I wondered how

Life could be so depressing

Then a child is born

And makes everything so clear

For it is for her I have sworn

To turn life around and have no more fear

So many things to be thankful for

Before I walk out the door

But this day

I will be thankful for her more

(c) Stephanie M. Bass

The Luminous Glow

The luminous glow
Of the beautiful sun
Over the water below
Now it has begun

The water is so reflective
Like a mirror
from your perspective
Only sometimes being clearer

The sun is so bright
So big on the horizon
Taking all the fright
And throwing it out one by one

The luminous glow
Of the beautiful sun
Over the water below
Oh, how it can never be outdone

(c) Stephanie M. Bass

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Summer Shipp

We are quickly approaching December 8, which will be 2 years since that fateful day my Mother, Summer Shipp, vanished without a trace. I thank you for all your kindness, support, and prayers during this difficult time.

In honor of Summer Shipp, "Friends of Summer" (501(c)3 pending) will be joining forces with The "Achieve Foundation" (501(c)3) in order to raise awareness of Women's Self Protection Measures.

The "Achieve Foundation" ( will be conducting FREE self-defense training classes for women on Saturday & Sunday, December 9&10 from 8:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m at Screenland Theatre, 17th and Washington, KC, MO.

If you would like to attend, please be at Screenland Theatre between 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. on either day. The workshop will consist of 3-4 teams of trainers, each of which will be teaching a different technique of self-defense. You may stay and learn one technique or you may stay and learn as many different techniques as you wish. (You do not need to stay the entire duration)

Please help spread the word and invite your friends and family to attend! Or consider sending the office personnel. All are welcome!

Or if you would like to just drop by to show your support, please feel free to do so !! We would love to see you even if you do not wish to attend the workshop.

A flyer detailing the workshop will be sent soon.

Too often, women become the victims of violence because they have not been taught how to defend themselves. Many times, a small amount of training is all that is necessary to prevent some of the tragedies that befall women in vulnerable situations. Whether the danger comes from men or from women meaning harm to hapless victims, knowledge of self-defense can make an immediate difference and change the outcome of otherwise tragic circumstances.

If just one woman can benefit from the kind of knowledge and self-defense skills that can be acquired from proper training, this workshop will be worth it.

We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please visit or or call 816-623-3746.
Always hopeful,
Brandy Shipp

Please visit the website:

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Holly's Fight for Justice

Welcome to Holly's Fight For Justice which will provide information relating to crime victims. This will come from personal experience with Canada's Justice System, reforms, and include resources of information for crime victims in Canada, United States also Internationally. MY STORY OF SURVIVING RAPE, AND ADVOCATING FOR CRIME VICTIMS! Please REFRESH THE PAGE!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

'Our children are our future, but their well-being IN OUR SOCIETY continues to decline.

The health and safety of our children is EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY.

PLEASE help ensure healthy, safe children in our community by taking action as an individual, group, or business.'
(c) 1991 by Paul McLaughlin - child abuse speech
at North Eugene High School in Eugene, Oregon.



The purpose of this web site, which began after Paul McLaughlin got his first computer in 1994, is to show what one handicapped survivor has done in the community for the prevention and awareness of child abuse. Paul's goal is not to be a victim, not to abuse self, and not to abuse the community by negative revenge, but to speak out about child abuse and also to work in the communities to heal himself and to educate people about the ‘before/during/after' effects of abuse.

Tell your story and also work to save our children in your community. Child abuse or any abuse will continue as long we don't talk about it and don't work to 'help stop child abuse.'

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

Missing paedophiles named online

Missing paedophiles named online

The men have failed to comply with the sex offenders' register
Some of the UK's most wanted child sex offenders have been identified online.
It is believed to be the first time that details of convicted paedophiles have been published nationwide by Britain's law enforcement agencies.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre has set up the new website in an effort to track missing child sex offenders.

Meanwhile, single mothers could be able to check up on new partners to see if they are sex offenders under new plans.

The Home Office is considering proposals that would enable single mothers to ask the police to make the checks, which would have to be supported by reasonable grounds for suspicion.

It is known that predatory paedophiles often befriend single mothers as a way of gaining access to their children.


Sarah Payne, eight, (above) was murdered by paedophile Roy Whiting in 2000
News of the World led a campaign to give parents the same rights as in the US
In the US there is full public disclosure about released sex offenders
Megan's Law was inspired by the murder of seven-year-old Megan Kanka by a known paedophile in July 1994

Single mothers to get data

High profile cases such as the murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne by a known paedophile in 2000 has led the government to review policy on how much information should be disclosed to the public about sex offenders living in the community.

The website has published the details of five missing offenders, giving their names, ages, photograph and where they have gone missing from, but not the details of their convictions.

The five men named on the website are Alexander Colin Dalgleish, aged 30-35, Gordon Stewart, 25-30, Paul Turner (also known as Paul Francis or Geddes), 50-55, Joshua Karney, 25-30, who also goes by five other names, and Kamil Krawiec, 25-30.

The scheme is being run with the Crimestoppers Most Wanted site, which is designed to help track down Britain's most dangerous criminals who are on the run.


Jim Gamble, chief executive of the CEOP Centre, said the Crimestoppers' website had enjoyed "unprecedented" success in tracking down offenders but urged the public to act responsibly.

"Any vigilante activity will be robustly dealt with and is likely to constitute a criminal offence."

Stuart Kuttner, managing editor of News of the World which has campaigned for parents to know if a paedophile lives in their area, welcomed the news.

The website will identify paedophiles who have gone missing

The paper wants Sarah's Law, named after Sarah Payne, and the full public disclosure on released sex offenders as exists in the US.

Megan's Law was introduced there after the murder of seven-year-old Megan Kanka by a known paedophile in July 1994.

But crime experts said the site did not equate to the implementation of a "Sarah's Law" which would mean publishing the details of offenders who were working with authorities.

Paul Cavadino, chief executive of crime reduction charity Nacro, said: "This is completely different from misguided calls for Sarah's Law, which would mean routinely publishing the details of offenders who are under supervision and complying with the registration laws."


The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) backed the move and said it could help protect young people.

Phillip Noyes, director of public policy, said: "The NSPCC believes it is right that convicted child sex offenders who disappear off the radar and flout the sex offender register are identified on this website."

We must have no repeat of the paediatricians being attacked and must not encourage anyone to become a vigilante

Mothers Against Murder and Aggression

Campaign group, Mothers Against Murder and Aggression (Mama), also welcomed the plans.

But the group, which also backs proposals for a "Sarah's Law", urged people not to take matters into their own hands.

In 2000, a paediatrician in Newport, south Wales, was forced to flee her house when vigilantes seemingly confused her job title.

A Mama statement said: "There will be those who believe this will make paedophiles 'go underground' but they are already underground and we need to know who is living in our community.

"However, we must have no repeat of the paediatricians being attacked and must not encourage anyone to become a vigilante."

The CEOP site coincides with the first anniversary of the Crimestoppers site, which went live last November, receiving almost 40 million hits and leading to 24 arrests.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Girls, If you are being beaten, or abused in any way, Please do not keep it a secret. It is not your fault. There is, a way out.
Abuse has become so rampant these days, there are so many kinds of ways that a person can be abused, that we are getting totally confused. There is physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse. Not all abusers become killers, so please don't think I am trying to make you paranoid. If you are being slapped around, that is wrong. If you are being hurt by a loved one, you are a victim of Domestic Violence and you should stand up for yourself, by getting the right advice and protection. Victims are not always killed, but sometimes if things go too far, the victim could get maimed, their teeth and bones broken, and in most cases reduced to a 'nervous wreck', dependant on all kinds of anti depressants.
Domestic Violence crusaders on the web, are trying to bring 'AWARENESS' to this 'HORRIFIC' problem which is plagueing, our 'so called', Civilized Society. I know there is a stigma attached to being a victim, but if you care one bit for yourself, don't let this happen to you or your children. Leaving your abuser will only entail some 'initial hardship', but I promise you, long term fulfilment and contentment, just take the initial step.
Writing to people on the Internet and asking them to pray for you WILL NOT help. This is something you have to know or realize that is a potentionally harmful situation to be in. There are women out there who are 'DYING' being 'Burnt' or 'Kicked' as you read this. The next victim, could be 'You' or a friend. Do the right thing, get legal help. I know sometimes you think, you should stay for the sake of the children, and sometimes women stay, thinking that their abuser will change. We see the good side of them, and choose not to focus on the rotten aspects of their character. Wrong choice!!!!! Living with someone who beats you, whether it's a slap on the face or a 'couple of pushes and bashes,' (because he/she had one too many drinks, and he/she is very different otherwise) is Wrong. No abuse is normal. Would you start slapping and beating the life out of someone, if you had a few drinks? Your partner needs help. If you want the relationship and are ready to go for help, then I suggest you do it together. But if nothing is working after counselling and there are mishaps. Say what you mean, and mean what you say, "I Will Not Allow You to Abuse Me Anymore".

Remember, YOU have to take that 'important' step, YOU have to make the 'decision'. We are here to guide you, to give you 'informational links' encouragement and network with you to find help.

Historically we have been conditioned to think and believe, that we were not 'Complete' or 'Normal', until we had a 'Husband' or a 'Male' companion, who loved us. AND unfortunately, we have believed that, and lived and acted with that belief.
Still in the year 2005 there are, 'Male Dominated societies', that think women are worthless. Just because some of them can not 'produce a male child'. Or God help those who can not give birth at all.
Some Women are abused because, their 'husbands' find them 'overweight'. Most of the time though, 'Alchohol' and 'Machoism' plays a major role, in this cycle of violence.
But now is the time to 'Break Out' of that 'Miserable Conception'. We can do this by bringing to the 'forefront' the despicable atrocities, which are being imposed on women all over the world, all the time. In the name of 'Marriage' and in the name of 'Love'.
Girls!!!!! we have come a long way, but believe me, we still have, A very long way to go, before we 'ERADICATE', this IMPOSED 'historical conditioning'. CONTRARY to the old belief 'Don't air your dirty linen' I urge you, to do just that.

What I am worried about, however, is all this liberal or new age thinking. Respecting cultural diversity is really a form of "upside-down racism," preventing immigrant women from enjoying the same freedom and protection as native women from the land.
I have listed a lot of Useful links to help you. Take the time to go through this page and read and learn the dangers of living in an abusive relationship. Life is short. There is so much to do and it can be so much fun. Ask yourself WHY would you like to be stuck at home and be slapped or abused? Don't fall into this trap. Available on this page are Help Lines, for people of all walks of life, links to other women's websites, women who suffered for years, and woman who made the break and got out in time. There are links to ways that you can help others, telephone numbers to shelters. And an abundance of information pertaining to this topic.
Please remember, by asking people to pray for you or just emailing your story to others WILL NOT solve your problem. "Life is what YOU make it" so go ahead and make yours a better one, becuse if you don't take that step, no one else can do it for you.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Abusive Relationship

Domestic Violence is an issue that continues to plague our society, and the judicial system in general, continue to slap men on the wrist without sufficient punishment to discourage the violence against not only women, but their children as well.
I remember only too well, the indescribable fear and abuse that my Mother and myself suffered at the hands of an abusive husband and father. It lives with you forever, and to this very day, I have nightmares and relive some of those times of long ago. My Mom bless her heart, deserved so much better, and only now has she been rewarded by being in Heaven. My father committed suicide in 1987, and in my opinion, did so because he could not live with the guilt and remorse. My Mom remained married to this man who abused her, and me, for 55 years until his death. It was 55 years of hell. Don't let this happen to you and your children...Please.

Abusive Relationship.
Are you struggling to find the courage, inside,
To break free and start life anew?
Have you suffered abuse, for months without end,
Wondering what, in God's name, you should do?
Do you notice the fear in your children's eyes
Each time that their father comes near?
Does your heart begin racing at the thought of his touch,
Scared from the words that you hear?
Is the peace that you find only there when he's gone
As you sit and stare aimlessly at the walls,
Wanting to flee with your young ones ~
But shiver when you here his loud call?
When he walks through the door and shouts his demands,
Do you wait on him hand and foot;
Afraid of a beating, if you do not obey,
And cower at his evil looks?
Are you finding the nights a true living hell,
As you toss and turn in your bed,
Thinking of the man you thought you once knew;
Now wishing that he would drop dead?
Please make the decision to flee for your life,
For yourself and your children's sake.
There are shelters and friends to call on.
Do this before it's too late!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

National Center Missing and Exploited Children


““The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) congratulates the U.S. Marshals (USMS) for its overwhelming success with Operation FALCON III. Less than 90 days after the new Adam Walsh Act launched an initiative to apprehend sex offenders who fail to register in their communities, the Marshals have proven their extraordinary ability to quickly capture thousands of sexual predators.

With the passing of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, NCMEC joined in a partnership with the USMS to serve as the central information and analysis hub, assisting in their efforts to apprehend non-compliant registered sex offenders. NCMEC’s new Sex Offender Tracking Team is made up of analysts dedicated to supporting the USMS, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), state sex offender registries and other law enforcement agencies nationwide to help identify and locate these offenders. Analysts will act as liaisons between state registries in an effort to increase communication and better track sex offenders moving between states, respond to requests to conduct searches for non-compliant registered sex offenders, as well as develop leads to assist USMS field personnel looking for fugitive sex offenders.

In addition, NCMEC’s team will compare its data of child abductions cases, attempted abductions, and online predator information for potential linkages with non-compliant sex offenders being sought by law enforcement. This information will be utilized to broaden the existing knowledge base regarding sex offenders and child predators in order to create more effective prevention and response strategies.

NCMEC is proud to be working with the U.S Marshals in this unprecedented effort to protect our nation’s children against sexual predators.”

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wonderful Work

I am amazed by the amount of useful information to be found here. G r e a t w o r k, M a r c i a !! All of you!!

Keep this up, and rape and other forms of violence and abuse -- domestic and otherwise -- are bound to
decrease. Each and every incident that you help prevent is a huge victory!

No battle is more worth fighting!!

T h a n k y o u !!


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Online Predators


I am working with National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to increase awareness of an important resource - the Cybertipline. I am contacting you because we need your help in spreading the word about this significant cause.

Over the past few months, the issue of online predators and the safety of children online have come to the forefront in the media. NBC Dateline, Oprah and the New York Times have all done features on this increasing danger.

If you are not familiar, Cybertipline was instituted in 1998 and aims to “empower the public to take immediate and direct action to enforce a zero tolerance policy regarding child sexual exploitation.”

Did you know?

Approximately 1 in 5 children is sexually solicited online, but only 1 in 4 tells a parent about the experience.
70% of unwanted sexual solicitations to children occur while the child is using a home computer.

As you can see, there is an urgent need to educate parents, teachers and children alike that there is a safe place where they can report these types of crimes. I have attached both banners and logos for your use. Would you be willing to post any of the following information on your site? I look forward to working with you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.




The Congressionally mandated CyberTipline is a reporting mechanism for cases of child sexual exploitation including child pornography, online enticement of children for sex acts, molestation of children outside the family, sex tourism of children, child victims of prostitution, and unsolicited obscene material sent to a child. Reports may be made 24-hours per day, 7 days per week online at or by calling 1-800-843-5678.

Monday, October 30, 2006

GPS Tracking of Sexual predator's

Sobel noted that many offenders are simply trying to resume some semblance of a normal life once out of prison.

"Lifetime monitoring would erase the concept we have of people paying their debts to society and moving on in an equal footing," he said.

But others say it's better to be safe than sorry.

Republican state Sen. Matt Bartle of Missouri has sponsored a bill that would cast a wider net over those who would be tracked, including repeat offenders who have committed crimes such as exposing oneself to a child. The bill would also impose much stronger penalties for sexual offenses, such as requiring the individual to wear a tracking device even after the sentence and parole time have been completed.

"I think the general public is really not terribly confident that we're getting it right when it comes to pedophile's -- that this individual, case-by-case approach is leading to some very horrific situations," Bartle said.

'Jessica's Law' Calls for Offender Tracking

As of March, at least 17 states saw one or more bills introduced employing the GPS tracking of sex offenders, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. States such as Ohio, Oklahoma and Florida allow lifetime tracking of habitual offenders.

Florida began requiring mandatory lifetime GOP tracking for those convicted of sex crimes against children 11 and younger after the March 2005 murder of 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford by a convicted sex offender living nearby. The law also mandates a 25-year prison sentence for many offenders who commit crimes against kids.

Wisconsin last month extended lifetime GPS monitoring to serious and repeat child predators, while California is pushing a version of "Jessica's Law" on the November ballot that would mandate lifetime GPS tracking for every sex offender leaving prison.

On May 15, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger created a task force to focus on policies for electronic surveillance of sex offenders. His recent budget has requested $8 million for Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Task Forces (SAFE teams) designed to "reduce violent sexual offenses through proactive surveillance and arrest of habitual sex offenders."

In South Carolina, GPS tracking applies to offenses including "criminal sexual contact with a minor, lewd act upon a minor, solicitation of a minor," according to the NCSL. Monitoring would continue for the length of time the individual is required to be registered as a sex offender.

The Missouri Department of Corrections implemented a GPS program designed to track offenders who are at high risk for recidivism. Agency spokesman Brian Hauswirth said those chosen for the pilot will be required to complete 90 to 120 days of monitoring, and release will be based on "measurable positive adjustment by the officer." The program will target only higher-risk elements of the population, such as violent felons and sex criminals.

"Overall, we're very pleased with the pilot project. We've had some equipment issues. There are some ‘bugs' in the system that we're working to fix. The pilot project is the time to do that," Hauswirth said.

Recidivism is an argument often used by those advocating the use of GPS tracking. Many GPS experts say offenders are less likely to commit a similar crime if they know they are being tracked.

According to the Office of Justice Programs at the Justice Department, of the 9,691 male sex offenders released from prisons in 15 states in 1994, 5.3 percent were rearrested for a new sex crime within three years of release. Of those released who allegedly committed another sex crime, 40 percent perpetrated the new offense within a year or less from getting out of prison.

The Center for Recidivism Management at the Justice Department says underestimating, or underreporting, is higher in crimes of sexual violence than general criminal violence.

How the Technology Works

ISECUREtrac, a Nebraska-based company specializing in GPS offender tracking, says its systems can pinpoint offenders' locations within a 15-foot radius. ISECUREtrac (OTC) provides numerous states with GPS systems, and according to its Web site, "experience indicates that agencies that utilize GPS monitoring systems have increased offender compliance, enhanced their ability to monitor more offenders simultaneously, and have had the greatest impact on reducing re-offense."

GPS technology was developed in the 1960s by the military in order to provide accurate positioning of their equipment and troops. There are 24 satellites surrounding the earth that transmit signals to ground stations. GPS receivers use the signals to calculate locations. The Department of Defense calls the technology the Navigation System with Timing and Ranging, or NAVSTAR.

Offenders being tracked wear a wireless electronic device on their ankles the size of a deck of cards. Offenders must wear the waterproof ankle bands at all times and stay within a certain distance from the separate GPS transmitters, which can be carried with them or set on surfaces when at home or work.

Detractors, however, argue that the system can easily become cost-prohibitive if the criteria for monitoring are too broad. Various estimates of the cost of GPS programs run from about $7 to $9 a day per offender — significantly cheaper than incarceration, which ranges from approximately $40 to $100 per day, depending on the state and prison.

But the broader the scale of offenders being tracked, the higher the costs become for the state.

"With over a quarter of a million sex offenders, the government is going to need 100,000 employees to track them all, which is going to get very expensive," said Jack King, a spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, which recently announced the formation of a task force designed to study this issue.

King questioned whether the tracking systems could reduce the recidivism rate, which he said was approximately 7 percent.

"I would say it is way too soon to even speculate whether GPS monitoring of ex-offenders would help prevent recidivism. Preventing recidivism is a worthy goal, but who is to say whether a new technology works or not? One size never really 'fits all,' no matter what they say," King argued.

Critics fear that certain sex offenders, such as those with non-violent statutory rape convictions and those convicted of lesser sex crimes, might also become subject to intrusive surveillance.

Peggy Conway, the editor of the Journal of Offender Monitoring at the Civic Research Institute, thinks GPS works best as a deterrent for crime, but not as a punitive measure. Monitoring is useful as an aid for rehabilitation, she said, allowing the offender to become more compliant and able to cooperate with other treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.

"For low-level offenders, GPS tracking is overly supervisory. It becomes too much of a scarlet letter for them," Conway added.

Opponents also argue that society needs to be cautious when it comes to governments monitoring people with the latest technology.

"I think its use needs to be very carefully debated and limited to only those situations in which there is an extremely strong law enforcement argument," said Sobel of EPIC. "Just because the technology exists to allow for this kind of tracking, doesn't mean that it should be done in a routine way."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

U.S., Russia Blamed for Most Child Abuse Websites

U.S., Russia Blamed for Most Child Abuse Websites
The United States and Russia host the bulk of the world's child abuse Web sites, according to a British-based Internet monitoring group which identifies the UK as one of the countries with the best enforcement records. The Internet Watch Foundation reported that just over half (51 percent) of child abuse content was traced back to the United States and 20 percent to Russia.

Read the article: Reuters | Posted: 10/24/2006 03:20:00 PM | Permalink

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Excellent information to know:

Excellent information to know:

This is something to pass on to all. Female and Male.

I don't think we can hear this often enough because
Women are so conditioned to "not hurt someone's
feelings" or we don't want to offend someone-to the
point of endangering our own safety.

This is important information for females of ALL ages . Guys -
please forward to the female members of your family
and all your female friends and associates.

When this was sent to me, I was told to forward it to
my lady friends. I forwarded it to most everyone in
my address book. My men friends have female
friends and this information is too important to miss

Please pass it along.

A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were
interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim
and here are some interesting facts :

1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is
hairstyle .

They are most likely to go after a woman with a
ponytail, bun, braid or other hairstyle that can easily
be grabbed . They are also likely to go after a woman
with long hair. Women with short hair are not common

2) The second thing men look for is clothing.

They will look for women whose clothing is easy
to remove quickly.

Many of them carry scissors around specifically to
cut clothing.

3) They also look for women on their cell phone,
searching through their purse or doing other activities
while walking because they are off guard and can be
easily overpowered.
4) Men are most likely to attack & rape in the early
morning,between 5:00 a.m . and 8:30 a.m.

5) The number one place women are abducted
from/attacked is grocery store parking lots .

Number two is office parking lots/garages.

Number three is public restrooms .

6) The thing about these men is that they are looking
to grab a woman and quickly move her to another
location where they don't have to worry about getting

7) Only 2% said they carried weapons because rape
carries a 3-5 year sentence but rape with a weapon is
15-20 years.
8) If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get
discouraged because it only takes a minute or two
for them to realize that going after you isn't worth it
because it will be time-consuming

9) These men said they would not pick on women
who have umbrellas or other similar objects that can
be used from a distance, in their hands.

Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get
really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon.

So, the idea is to convince these guys you're not
worth it.

10) Several defense mechanisms he taught us are:
If someone is following behind you on a street or in
a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look
them in the face and ask them a question, like what
time is it, or make general small talk: I can't believe it
is so cold out here", "we're in for a bad winter."

Now you've seen their face and could identify them in
a line-up; you lose appeal as a target.

11) If someone is coming toward you, hold out your
hands in front of you and yell STOP or STAY BACK !
Most of the rapists this man talked to said they'd
leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that
she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they
are looking for an EASY target.

12) If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a
huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever
he goes,) yell I HAVE PEPPER Spray and holding it
out will be a deterrent.
13 ) If someone grabs you, you can't beat them with
strength but you can by outsmarting them.

If you are grabbed around the waist from behind,
pinch the attacker either under the arm (between the
elbow and armpit) OR in the upper inner thigh VERY

One woman in a class this guy taught told him she
used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to
date rape her and was so upset she broke through the
skin and tore out muscle strands - the guy needed

Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you
can stand it; it hurts

14) After the initial hit, always GO for the GROIN .

I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that
if you slap a guy's parts it is extremely painful . You
might think that you'll anger the guy and make him
want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists
told our instructor is that they want a woman who will
not cause a lot of trouble.

Start causing trouble, and he's out of there.

15) When the guy puts his hands up to you , grab his
first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible
with as much pressure pushing down on them as
possible .

16) Of course the things we always hear still apply.
Always be aware of your surroundings , take someone
with you if you can and if you notice any odd behavior,
don't dismiss it, go with your instincts!!!

They are God-given instincts.

You may feel a little silly at the time, but you'd feel
much worse if the guy really was trouble.


And ladies, just because you live in a small town or
rural area, this doesn't always mean you are safe.

ATC Forum

Fall Room Dance

So many falls, so many leaves
turning, spinning
A jack-o’lantern-colored bus
stenciled School stops,
and I back away.
Gotta run
off a rape
I believe I caused.
Believe not a rape,
but a fall
from grace.
Fall for a man just happened
to have the lashes of a father
gone missing.
Yet I pause to leap in leaves
and glory in all the shades
they doll in, as if on their way
to a ball.
How they dance!
I even love that a lot of them smell
of mildew. School went sour,
yet I still stir in chalk
and 3-ring paper
that blinds. A sparkling
yellow Ticonderoga
number 2, sharp
as the knife
I feel in
How fast I run! How long I walk!
Not once do I have to pause
to save breath. Between
the running and the walking
and the green and the gold
that fall
‘what pain?’

Smoke from a bonfire is
sweetening dusk.
Sad doesn’t feel
bad. A shower is tickling
laughs out of leaves.
that were mad
at trees for not caring;
now they are glad
they hung on
so long. Glue themselves
to the ground, content
for a while to watch, then

Dance, dammit, dance!

(c) Phyllis Jean Green, 2006


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Abuse a Fact, Help Another

Abuse a Fact, Help Another

Facts, facts, facts, Charles Dicken's Micawber said,

repeat, said. Facts about domestic abuse are easy

to find and hard to take. Boil down to many,

many, many victims, and keep counting. To too

little understanding and far too much fear.

Bruised, pummeled, punched, kicked, dragged,

slapped, raped, and cursed by those who promised

to love and protect. Again, repeat, again, repeat,

repeat again: That, Micawber, is a fact.

A fact often ignored or misunderstood: abuse

is not the victim's fault. If you are a victim,

look in the mirror and repeat again, repeat again,

again repeat: This is not my fault. I am not .

the one who is threatening. I am not the one

scarring. I am not the one finding fault.

I am not the one pounding. I am not the one

in the wrong. And I am not, repeat, not, alone..

Something like a quarter of female victims

of crime are the targets of criminals

that call themselves husbands, lovers,

fathers, friends, companions, partners.

Half or more have children under twelve.

These are facts. And this: Help IS

within reach. Resources are just waiting

to be tapped. If you can't get to a phone,

the Internet or a shelter, ask a friend

or neighbor, a minister, a cop – check

directories or have someone check

for you – to help you and any children

involved. More than you imagine

are,. or have been, where you are --

or are now. This is fact, too.

But the number one fact to remember

is that you have it in you to act

on your own. Take back your life.

Love and respect who you are.

Climb around fear on your way out.

Hey, you're a class act. 's' a fact!

©) Phyllis Jean Green
for Angels That Care

Friday, October 20, 2006

Help Stop Abuse

The following information was provided by Childhelp USA. If some or any of the information here offends anyone I do apologize but I feel this is information that needs to be passed on to more and more people. There was a day when such topics were not discussed and many many children went unprotected. Having lived threw abuse myself I know what many of the effects it can have not only as a child but in adulthood also.
It is my prayer that if this information prevents even just one child from experiencing pain then it is worth offending a few. As I have said before Children are our most prized possession and they should be treated so. Because of the abuse I experienced I can assure you that if I suspected a child was being abused in any way shape or form I would report it in a heartbeat with no regrets or concern at all for myself. Before you leave please feel free to pick up your free globe towards the bottom of this page - a gift from me to all the children in the world.

What is child abuse?
Although there are many formal and acceptable definitions of child abuse, the following is offered as a guide. Child abuse consists of any act of commission or omission that endangers or impairs a child's physical or emotional health and development. Child abuse includes any damage done to a child which cannot be reasonably explained and which is often represented by an injury or series of injuries appearing to be non-accidental in nature.

Major forms of child abuse

Physical abuse - Any non-accidental injury to a child. This includes hitting, kicking, slapping, shaking, burning, pinching, hair pulling, biting, choking, throwing, shoving, whipping, and paddling.

Emotional abuse - Any attitude or behavior, which interferes with a child's mental health or social development. This includes yelling, screaming, name-calling, shaming, negative comparisons to others, telling them they are "bad, no good, worthless" or "a mistake".

Neglect - Physical - Failure to provide for a child's physical needs. This includes lack of supervision, inappropriate housing or shelter, inadequate provision of food, inappropriate clothing for season or weather, abandonment, denial of medical care, and inadequate hygiene.

Neglect - Emotional - Failure to provide affection and support necessary for the development of emotional, social, physical and intellectual well being of a child. This includes ignoring, lack of appropriate physical affection (hugs), not saying "I love you," withdrawal of attention, lack of praise, lack of positive reinforcement.

Sexual abuse - Any sexual act between an adult and child. This includes fondling, penetration, intercourse, exploitation, pornography, exhibitionism, child prostitution, group sex, oral sex, or forced observation of sexual acts.

Who inflicts the abuse?

Child abusers are found among all social-economic, religious and ethnic groups and are most often ordinary people who are trapped in a stressful life situation with which they cannot cope satisfactorily.

A child abuser is usually a person closely related to the child, such as a parent, stepparent or other caretaker. The child abuser is seldom a total stranger.

If you suspect a child is being abused:

1) Call the Childhelp USA® National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-4-A-CHILD® to learn the reporting agency for your geographic area and situation. This is frequently a law enforcement agency (police or sheriff's department), and/or the local child welfare agency (DCFS, HRS, CPS,CFS, etc.).
2) Suspicion of abuse is all that is necessary to file a report
3) Your information can be given anonymously
4) Information which will be most helpful: the child's name, age, address, gender, school attended (if possible), and names of parents
5) Upon receiving your information, the child welfare agency will determine the appropriate course of action

States with Toll Free Child Abuse Reporting Numbers

(800) 482-5964
(800) 330-1822
(800) 842-2288

(800) 292-9582
(800) 962-2873
(800) 362-2178

(800) 252-2873
(800) 562-2407
(800) 922-5330

(800) 752-6200
(800) 792-5200
(800) 452-1999

(800) 942-4357
(800) 392-3738
(800) 222-8000

(800) 332-6100
North Carolina
(800) 662-7030
(800) 652-1999

New Hampshire
(800) 894-5533
New Jersey
(800) 792-8610
New Mexico
(800) 432-2075

(800) 992-5757
New York
(800) 342-3720
(800) 522-3511

(800) 854-3508
(800) 932-0313
Rhode Island
(800) 742-4453

(800) 252-5400
(800) 678-9399
(800) 552-7906

(800) 562-5624
West Virginia
(800) 352-6513

Both the reporting party and the child who is allegedly being abused must reside in the same state for the following reporting numbers to be valid. When the reporting party resides in a different state than the child,or for states not listed, please call Childhelp's National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4 A CHILD (800-422-4453).
TDD: 1-800-2 A CHILD.
Childhelp USA is a non-profit agency , and is not involved in investigations by a government agency. Hotline counselors are able to provide the state or county reporting number to callers or to provide other referrals.

The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

ATC is different

ATC is different........ ATC offer solutions and help.......... these other websites are just airing their grievances and playing the poor victims...........

Also the more you talk about something........ the longer it stays with you.......... one has to disengage somewhere along the line....... and then you find........... memories fade.......... they don't appear so important........ but these are just fanning the flames....

I could go on about my experiences when parents etc......... and say i was abused........... come on........... its v. easy to find a word/niche to say that because of that....... we are handicapped.......... get a life...... go get a life............
I know heaps that have...........
This is not an ideal world........... for sure.......... never was....... and probably never will be........... but why dwell on it........ why not make the most of the good things that come along..........

Sunday, October 08, 2006

We Are Good Enough

We stand in the shadow of our lives every time we tell ourselves that something cannot be done because we are not good enough, or strong enough, or rich enough, or young enough or thin enough, or anything else enough. It is only when we boldly declare, "I am enough!" that we are able to step from the shadow and into the light of a beautiful new day.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Against Abuse

Welcome to Servants Against Child Abuse. This is a call to go beyond being abused to becoming an active citizen against Child Abuse.


Let the Children be Free to live their lives in safety. Also protect and help our friends and relatives if in need



Know Who Is Befriending, Coaching, or Teaching Your Child
Do you know who your neighbors are? Do you know who your children’s friends, teachers and coaches are? More likely than not, you probably don’t know many of them. Why? Americans are too busy trying to survive in a world where the cost of living out paces wages greatly. We are too busy running here and there, keeping appointments, doing chores, taxiing children to school events and extracurricular activities. The results of this could be devastating!

The One Time he's Right,he's Right

The One Time he's Right, he's Right

Won't happen again, he said
and said
and said.
Cleaned up my act, he stressed,
You can count on me, he said.
Said, said, yes, yes,
and said.
I am going to be good.
I am going to treat you right.
I am determined,
you will see. . .see?

Happens again, you are dead
to me, you sighed
between screams.
Tried not to cry, but it hurt
so bad. Please,
you heard yourself say
again. Keep your promise
this time.
You have let me down
so many times.
You barely had breath
to speak.

I know, he whined.
but this is a brand new me.
I swear on all that is holy
it won't happen. It will never,
happen again.

It did,
and he's right.
It will never,

Phyllis Jean Green

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Subject: Newsletter

From: Marcia Angels That Care
Date: 9/28/2006 6:20:36 PM
To: Marcia Duning
Subject: Angels That Care Newsletter

Special Edition

Angels That Care

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Can we stop it? We Can!

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