Monday, October 01, 2007

Anti-Victimization Legislation - Yello Dyno

Anti-Victimization Legislation - Yello Dyno

Yello Dyno meets the criteria for the following laws mandating anti-victimization education.

Title 1-Part D
No Child Left Behind
Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk

Title IV, Part A
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities

Title IV,Part B
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Title V, Part A
Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Programs

Title VI, Part B, Subpart 1
Small, Rural School Achievement Program


California Safe from the Start (SFTS) Initiative: Reducing the Impact of Violence on Children

NY State Education Law 803A: Abduction and Abuse Prevention

Oregon SB 379: Child Abuse Prevention Training by Educators

Texas Education Code § 38.004 part (b): Child Abuse Antivictimization Programs by School Districts)

Texas SB 152: Prevention of Bullying in Schools

Texas SB 516: Life Skills: For Counselors Blogs:domestic_violence_ky MySpace Blog Blogs:domestic_violence_ky MySpace Blog

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