What you don't know about the most violent Pedophiles
There are no laws that exist today to arrest and convict the most dangerous CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS and our children are at grave risk. More importantly there are NO new Bills we have found that will correct this problem. The reasons can be found after first understanding about the levels of CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS;
1. The first CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR level places the least amount of damage to their victim children. These criminals are less violent though still may cause long term effects. Typically their crimes are less traumatic on children and can be classified as inappropriate touching and alike. These are the bus drivers and school teachers we most often hear about. More often this CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR causes less trauma on the child making it much easier to disclose information to caring family members and school authorities. These are the ones we catch today. Laws in place seem to do fairly well here, though there is still room for improvement.
2. Second are the violent CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS, the most vicious, who cause life long damage to children well into their very late adulthood. These are the CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS capable of causing accidental or intentional death to a child. More often we only hear about these when investigating a child's death. The effects on the child are so traumatic that parts of the mind shuts itself down almost permanently. Yes, well deep into adulthood. These victims are unable to come forward until 30 + years following the abuse leaving the criminal so much time to harm so many more children. The effects of these violent child rapists includes;
a. Missing children under the age of 13 who have been missing for over 3 months statistically have died at the hands of these predators. A story from CBS
b. Those victims who have committed suicide as a result of their inability to deal with the trauma of this abuse. Reducing Suicides.
c. Victims who lead lives of complete chaos, living their lives never enjoying a happy and stable life. For these it is if waking up in their 40's, 50's and 60's and realizing their tormented life. This victim now has to deal with a completely missed life from the day of the abuses, i.e. age 8 through their late adulthood. This is now another horribly traumatic experience to deal with most could not imagine. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse
d. Many victims lived their lives in lawlessness constantly committing crimes and not knowing why. Much later in life they realize their trauma, at which time all is lost for them and it is society who has paid the price. Criminal behaviors and victims of abuse.
e. Eighteen percent, 18%, of those abused will identify with their abusers and become CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS themselves. (Each one made this decision to harm children and should be held accountable) Understanding pedophilia.
Today's population confuses these two groups by placing them all into a single one and because of this we tend to lose sight of the most violent. The fact is, violent child rapists are the worst offenders. These offenders severely traumatized children resulting in not only chaos to the victims but to society as well. They are on a constant quest to victimize children and this is never ending , it is a life long obsession. Some psychotherapists indicate that even though these CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS seem to care for children, in reality many emotionally "HATE" children and steal lives. We can now imagine just how cruel their torture can be.
Understanding the severity of a traumatized victim will help you realize there is almost no protection for our children. If a law passed today completely removing the Statutes of Limitations and an 8 year old child is raped the next day, it is unlikely the child will come forward before their mid 30's and more often into their 50's. The impact of the trauma caused by the CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR will alter the child's brain development to the point where realism begins to vanish and chaos sets in. This is a real effect as described in How Childhood Trauma Influences Brain Development. Unlike other trauma induced events, this one lasts for a period of time before it is over. As if this weren't enough, this child is then invoked with another trauma by being threatened from telling anyone. Many times, threats not only include consequences of injury and death to the child, but their parents and siblings too. This child now has to carry this secret alone and go through life as if nothing was wrong. Many young children, i.e. 8, 9 and 10 years old, become some of the greatest actors and actresses in an attempt to protect their families. The lifelong effects lead to a disruptive life, lost childhood and an adulthood of complete chaos.
Meanwhile these violent child rapists have 20 to 30 years of raping more children without worry of being caught. Most rapists know the more violent they are with the victim, the longer it takes into adulthood before they come forward. These are the most damaging criminals to society, yet are protected the most by our laws. These rapists average 80 victims.
Even more about the rapists: Most professionals are just realizing today that somehow these child rapists find each other. The longer they are free, the more expert they become. No matter how old the child rapists, they network with one another identifying opportunities. Catching one now means catching others.
The belief that today's technology with capabilities of DNA databases to collect information will solve this problem and help prove crimes is remarkably inaccurate. Keeping in mind the child raped was also traumatized and most likely will not come forward until 20 or 30+ years into the future, would mean the child would have to collect evidence and hold it for so many years. This is most ridiculous, so we now have a DNA database with nothing to compare DNA to. DNA databases are good, however their effects on convicting the most vicious CHILD SEXUAL PREDATOR becomes quite unrealistic.
Thousands of these most violent serial child rapists can be identified and their crimes proven, but unfortunately, laws protect them. Let's not wait 20 or 30 years to arrest and convict. We need to move now before these child rapists propagate further. Remember, 18% of their victims will identify with them, thus becoming abusers too; that is 14 new CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS for each one and this multiplies quickly. Imagine arresting and convicting these criminals? Today they have no fear.
This is what needs to be done
A bill "Terrorism on Society and Children" must be written and passed as law stating the following;
1. The crime of raping children is the most horrendous crime ever imaginable. It's life long effects on the victim make it nearly impossible to convict the most serious offenders. This crime is in a category by itself and has NEVER had any statutes of limitations defined and NEVER will. Not only do victims pay, society does too.
2. Those organizations and individuals that have shown to cover-up and protect the exposure of this crime are legally responsible for their acts.
This law enables our justice system to arrest the many 1000's of violent child molesters we know of and have proof of their crimes. Arresting them means we get information on others too. No statutes.
Note: Today's laws are ineffective against the most violent CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS and all other changes in the law can only cause change 20 to 30 years later. Only by effecting a law as described here can we start change now. Don't the families of the missing deserve this? What about victims? More importantly what about protecting our kids today. Remember, we can tell our children to tell us everything but if they don't come home they can tell us nothing.
These violent CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS work hard at figuring the right moment to attack a child. This is their #1 goal in life. We all pay and the CHILD SEXUAL PREDATORS are free.
Proving the crime
Passing a bill as stated above now means we would enable our juries to hear these cases that would have otherwise been disregarded due to SOL. Also keep in mind that these criminals average 80 victims. A case where only one victim is known, without witnesses, most likely will not make it to court. Those criminals with multiple victims, serial child rapists, stand the risk of prosecution. Proving the most violent crimes becomes an easier task.
Who wins? Our children today. These violent serial rapists will now talk about other rapists as they are caught. Just maybe some of the families whose children are missing will finally get resolution. Victims whose lives have been lost will finally find justice.
Remember, the children did nothing to deserve what happened. Why should anyone want to protect violent serial child rapists? There exists no logic whatsoever to counter an argument against changing the laws as defined.
We can tell our children to tell us everything, but if they never come home they can tell us nothing.
In God We Trust
Protect our children now
please visit www.ricoforkids.org
December 16, 2006 at 08:47:15
What you don't know about the most violent Pedophiles
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