Thursday, April 05, 2007

STOP The Abuse

STOP The Abuse

It is up to each and every one of us to help stop the carnage in homes across this country, and many other countries too. The problem is atrocious, and only getting worse all the time. It can only get worse, because children who grow up in abusive homes, learn abuse as a way of life, whether it is child abuse, spousal abuse, abuse of the elderly, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse or one of the other kinds of horrible abuse that is happening in too many homes. Since that is the way of life they learn, it is the way of life they will continue, when they grow up and marry, and have children of their own.

That is why it is up to all of us, to try to help eradicate the terrible things that are happening. Every day people are maimed, and killed, or severely psychologically damaged, in their own homes, by someone who "loves" them.

If we know of a home in which this kind of behaviour is going on, perhaps we could talk to the persons who are being abused, and try to make sure they know of the avenues of help there are in your area. Sometimes we need to be reporting what we know to the proper authorities. There are all kinds of places where they can get help. Sometimes people will try to let on nothing is going on, but persistence might encourage them to open up, and start to seek the help they need. I realize that sometimes, this kind of help is looked upon as interference, but the consequences of no "interference" can be catastrophic.

There are so many kinds of abuse, and anyone can be subject to it. Children, women, men, the elderly, the poor, the rich, it does not matter, it has become a way of life at all economic levels in some homes. No one can really help, until the abused are ready to admit to someone, that they are being abused. Some will resent it if you try to help, but at some time they just may have hit the level at which even they are ready to admit, I cannot do it myself. We can only keep trying, and hopefully at some point win the battle.

The pictures you are seeing on this page, are not odd cases, they are happening all around us every day. Just ask medical professionals, hospitals, the police and the people in organizations that are helping. It is all too common, and will only become more common as time goes on.

If we can halt, or at least slow down the level of abusive homes, I think we may just slow down the crime rate, as well. So many criminals have turned to crime, out of a total lack of self respect, because of the homes in which they were raised. It is also a known fact that a great many people in our prisons, lived in abusive homes.

Please, please, if you know of instances of ongoing abuse, if you do not know of a way to help, talk to someone who might know, or know where to go to get help into that home or situation. It can only be good news for the future if we can turn one home around.

A good place to start looking for help is from "Angels That Care". It is a website, whose members really do care, and some of them have been in bad places too. The website has complete listings of all the agencies that can help. The link to that site is at the bottom of this page. There you will find out all you need to know about the help available, you will find someone to talk to, who will be totally sympathetic, and caring. It is as complete a listing as I know of for all kinds of help.

© 2007 Poetry by Liebezauber

~ Liebezauber ~

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